Overview | : | Goede tijden, slechte tijden, also known as GTST, is the longest-running Dutch soap opera, revolving around the lives of the families Alberts, Sanders, De Jong, Van Houten and Bouwhuis. It all takes place in the fictional town of Meerdijk. |
Stars | : | Jette van der Meij (Laura Selmhorst), , Inge Ipenburg (Martine Hafkamp), , Wik Jongsma (Govert Harmsen), , Wilbert Gieske (Robert Alberts), , Bartho Braat (Jef Alberts), , Marlous Fluitsma (Helen Helmink), , Tygo Gernandt (Carl/Kees Peper), , Reinout Oerlemans (Arnie Alberts), , Antonie Kamerling (Peter Kelder), , Babette van Veen (Linda Dekker), , Rick Engelkes (Simon Dekker), , Cynthia Abma (Bianca Bouwhuis-Brandt), , Ingeborg Wieten (Suzanne Balk), , Isa Hoes (Myriam van der Pol), |